Private Cloud Provider

We focus on providing superior cloud based services, from Virtual Data Centres through to individual Virtual Machines.

About Us

Cloud Motion is a bespoke private cloud provider. We focus on providing superior cloud based services, from Virtual Data Centres through to individual Virtiual Machines. With Options for service management, taking the day to day hassle out of your cloud services.

VMware platform with state of the art hardware and redundancies

Our Resources, Your Way with the Virtual Data Centre Product. 

Custom sized VM’s

Our Solutions

Cloud Motion offers a standard set of services that are all customisable for our clients. We offer the below services as a service grouping, for more information please reach out to the team.


Customize VMs and networks with our resource pool, powered by cutting-edge hardware and flexible VMware deployments. No preset size limitations.


Just need a reliable website? Our hosting infrastructure is hosted on a  fully redundant platform with daily immutable backups. 


Custom-sized VMs unavailable in public clouds? Consult us for tailored solutions meeting your business needs today.


Need some guidence on the change from physical infrastructure to a cloud based infrastructure, we have you covered. 

Pricing Comparison

The pricing below are AWS compute c6a.large ec2 instance, these are based on an average month of 720 hours and include the IP address charges and located in the AU region.


AU$ 79.50


$ 131.47

Contact Us

Send a message and get in touch with our experts.

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